Risk and Preparation

- February 2015
- Hi Steph
Hi Steph, I thought I should write to you only if I have something specific to ask, because everything else will sound selfish and a waste of your time, but maybe not. However this sounds I have read your books, followed your climbs and your blog. I enjoy the way you think and live. You […]
Comfortable Harness for Women

- January 2015
- Hi Steph
Hello Steph, I really enjoy reading your blog and your books (I seriously hope more books will come…). My fiancé and I started outdoor climbing a little more than a year ago and we are know starting to do multi-pitches. We did our first multi-pitch at Crazy Horse in Thailand, an easy and fun 2 […]
Climbing Blocks

- January 2015
- Climb
Greetings, Steph- I have long been a visitor of your site, and your book is well-loved and dog-earred on my shelf. I am writing to you at what feels something like my “darkest hour” of climbing–I am at a point so low that I now fear my relationship with the sport is permanently damaged. I […]
Fremont Canyon, Wyoming
- January 2015
- Hi Steph
Hey there, My name is Rhys. I’m a climber up here in Wyoming. I pretty much live at Fremont Canyon as the resident dirtbag. It’s (in my opinion) the greatest crag in the world. I heard from a few people I ran into one night that you mention it in your book. I haven’t had […]