Best Tape for Crack Climbing
- April 2015
- Climb
Hi Steph,
I’m new to crack climbing, and understand full well the value in choosing the stickiest tape money can buy. The problem is, after some experimenting with a number of generic tape brands out there, I still haven’t found one that fully satisfies all my criteria. I’m curious to hear what you use or recommend. Any thoughts?
Hi Chris,
You’re right, stickiness is EVERYTHING when it comes to tape for crack climbing. I always tell people, you can tape before you rip your skin off or you can tape after you rip your skin off. Tape sticks a lot better to skin than to oozing pus. 🙂 The most important thing in taping is not to compromise your actual hand and finger size, and to have the tape stuck very firmly to your skin so it’s not bulky or sliding. For this reason, I never re-use tape gloves. I want my hands and fingers to fit in like they would normally but with an ultra-snug protective layer so all my skin cells stay on.
The best tape I’ve found is Mueller Eurotape. You can purchase this at either of the climbing shops in Moab, Gearheads or Pagan, and you can even call them up and have them mail it to you if you’re not in Moab. The Eurotape should stick well for you, but if you need even more stick, use the Mueller sticky spray too. Spray this on your fingers and backs of your hands before taping, and it will REALLY stick. This is pretty extreme, and I only do it for very hard finger cracks in warmer weather when the tape wants to roll.
Here’s my favored hand taping method, photo instructions and video 🙂 We also cover this pretty extensively in my crack clinics, of course!
If you’re going to be doing some offwidthing, don’t forget to tape your ankle bones too, even if you wear socks. Those take forever to grow skin back!
🙂 Steph
I love eurotape and I always stock up when I’m in Moab because no one carries it here in wa!
Try also Strappal Dream Tape. As for me, it sticks even better than Mueller.
Unfortunately it rips easier than Mueller.
The glue also stays on skin and is very difficult to wash away. But it’s not only cosmetic flaw that we do to ourselves to climb better. 😉
🙂 🙂 🙂
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I love the Eurotape! However, I seem to keep having issues with the non-aerosol tape spray leaking on the approach. Has anyone else had this issue? If so, is there anything that helps to mitigate the problem?
I thought it was just me 🙂 It might be worth buying one of those small airplane travel spray bottles (and keeping it in a ziplock)–it would also be smaller in the pack.